
when was the last time you saw a firefly?

the fireflies have fled the city because they could not stand its dirty air. all of us, cyclists, pedestrians, commuters, even those who ride cars who live, work and raise families in the city may suffer the same fate. we continue to dirty our city's air with polluting vehicles and factories. As a result, we also risk disappearing like the fireflies. why resign ourselves to this fate? we have a choice. we can fight for clean air and bring the fireflies back. - the firefly brigade

last sunday i survived the 50 kilometer bike ride through treacherous roads, under the scorching sun and officially became a firefly.

photo courtesy of banggigay

the tour of the fireflies is a fun bike ride with a serious purpose.  it is a yearly biking caravan in the metro's most congested streets (and in other participating cities in the philippines) to promote clean air.  on its 11th year, the tour of the fireflies has become more visible, attracting participants of all ages, from all walks of life,  with different interests (not just biking), but with a common goal: a habitable, people-friendly environment for years to come.

as far as i can remember, i have never biked a distance of 2 kilometers in my life (biking around the park as a kid or biking to the village bakeshop for pandesal does not count).   biking was just something that i knew how to do - just like swimming or driving, once you know how to do it, you'll never forget - but i've never taken up biking as a sport. i planned to join ToF last year but for one reason or another ended up diving instead.  this year i made it a point to keep my weekend free to join the 11th tour of the fireflies.

i was quite nervous since i never really biked a long distance before but actually being there and seeing all the participants rarin' to start the ride, all my apprehensions disappeared.  it was a festive atmosphere, hardcore biking enthusiasts were well represented with their bikes as expensive as cars, kids with their toy bikes, different people with different bikes - from the bmx bikes to the frou-frou bikes (bikes with a bell and a basket in front), bikers in fun, colorful costumes all united in one goal, to have fun and to bike for clean air. 

the ride was well organized with a number of volunteer marshalls assisting the caravan, which was, according to the organizers 4.5 kilometers long and  with a number of water stops along the way.  policemen and traffic aides were also on hand to direct traffic for the riders, some of the riders even took on the responsibility to stop traffic to let the convoy pass.  this did not sit well with some motorists who thought we were just causing traffic and were honking like crazy.  others even went as far as going down their vehicles and cussing at the riders but they didn't stand a chance with an avalanche of riders good-naturedly hollering back at them. the pace was quite easy with the kids, lady riders & marshals & riders in costume leading the pack.

i tried riding at the frontline but i found it a bit crowded and difficult to gain momentum, it is specially hard to push on the pedals at a slow pace when climbing uphill. the tailend on the other hand is treacherous, with only a few riders left, the cars, jeepneys and buses are right behind you, sometimes even just right beside or in front of you.  for me, the middle part of the convoy is the perfect part to be situated, you can bike at your own pace - speed up, fall back or rest if needed.  the ride itself was surprisingly easy, the uphills were not that many and the downhills compensated for it.  the heat was the killer.  good thing i had a wonderful bike (thanks to lyli) and super friends (fellow wandersole, vangie and bike-yaya & honorary brother dino) who kept me company most of the way. 


today, i ache everywhere - my head, my arm, my legs, my back, my neck, my behind, even my fingers! but i would endure it all over again next year for the 12th tour of the fireflies.


  1. I regret not being part of this! :( Next time wala na akong aayawan! :D

  2. i joined TOF twice before and i really would have this time if it wasn't for me being asked to be godmother that day! i'm glad my bike made it though lol
